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Hi! I'm Alex

I'm a momma of three beautiful kids, wife to an amazing husband and work full time for a non-profit.  I'm raising my family in a rural community in west central Illinois on my husband's family farm where hard work and a love of Jesus are our foundation.  


In addition to working full time, I work part time as the Executive Director of our community's Chamber of Commerce organization.  I'm passionate about family, fitness, crafting, home design and anything that makes me a better mom.  


I started this blog after a lot of prodding from my sister who saw me doing so many things that other moms may also want to do, and she encouraged me to share my tips and tricks.  I'm far from an expert and am just trying to survive this crazy life, like most mommas.  I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy putting it together.  Happy reading!


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