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  • Writer's pictureAlex Geisler

Raising strong girls (and boy!)

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

I have always been one to dabble in fitness. I "worked out" in college (although looking back, it hardly should be considered working out), I've done multiple exercise programs, ran a few half marathons and a full, but I still don't consider myself a health and fitness guru. I'm not a coach. I don't have a Kinesiology degree. I eat a lot of Oreos. But one thing I do know: I'm raising some strong kiddos that have an appreciation for some good calorie burning exercise.

Before the COVID-19 shutdown, my kids would see me leave for my weekend runs or see me workout occasionally. They would ask about it now and then but that was about it. Enter shelter in place...I work for our community's YMCA as the Membership Director. I also teach various group exercise classes, therefore, during quarantine, I was teaching a Zoom class nearly every day of the week. My kids saw me do this on a regular basis and became so interested in the idea and practice of exercising.

Thankfully, when my six year old asked me why I workout, I had the forethought to say "to get strong and stay healthy!" instead of "to lose weight or to be skinny!" Because of that, she is constantly running around the house yelling about how she's working out to get healthy. I've heard her say things like "I'm going to be such a healthy mom" and "gosh, I am just so healthy!" My four year old boy is usually trailing behind her, asking her what to do next. My two year old must think my workouts need to be more challenging as she loves to throw her body on me during sit ups, bridges or anytime I'm doing floor work. Exhibit A below!

I'm far from a perfect mom. Heck, on a good day I would say I'm mediocre, but I love that I am showing my kids firsthand what it looks like to lead a healthy lifestyle. I try to fix healthy meals during the week, which they usually hate and complain about, but hey! I'm trying! I'm also teaching them balance (at least that's what I tell myself when they see me take my 4th piece of pizza on a weekend). I don't deprive myself but let myself live a little on the weekends, which keeps me on track during the week.

I realize not everyone can work out at home. At least I hope not, my job depends on it! My true takeaway from this is: kids are ALWAYS watching you. Seriously. They won't hear a word you say when you tell them to brush their teeth or go to bed, but as soon as you start talking about the family drama or latest gossip, suddenly their hearing is perfect. It really is true that they are miniature versions of you. If you ever want to hear what you really sound like as a parent, listen to your kids play Barbies or house. Here’s your warning: you may not want to hear it! I have definitely cringed a time or two when I heard how the “mom” was talking (aka yelling). It’s always a gut check and makes me want to do better!

What things have your kids done that show you that they're ALWAYS watching? Sometimes it makes you feel good, sometimes not so much! Share some of your "oh yes" and "oh nooooo" moments in the comments below!

Live healthy, live happy and raise those kiddos to be strong!

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